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These schools are official members of this organization (www.acad.it) and on their websites the logo of this organization is clearly visible.

Centro Culturale Giacomo PucciniVia Vespucci 173 - Viareggio (LU) - Contact
Italian language school at the seaside
CiaoItalyVia Lamarmora, 31 - Turin (TO) - Contact
CiaoItaly: Learn Italian in Turin and discover the beauty and flavours of Piedmont. Individual and group courses for all levels, cultural programmes and business courses.
ABC - Centro di lingua e cultura italianaVia dei Bardi, 28 - Florence (FI) - Contact
The ABC School of Florence has been teaching the Italian Language and Culture to students from all over the world since 1982. Online language lessons with qualified and professional teachers
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci - MilanoCorso di Porta Vigentina, 35 - Milan (MI) - Contact
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is located in Milan inside a student campus in the Navigli Zone one of the most exclusive and interesting in the city. We offer Italian language courses, also ONLINE!
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci - RomaPiazza dell'Orologio, 7 - Rome (RM) - Contact
School of Italian for foreign students, officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education. We offer Italian language courses, also ONLINE!
A door to Italy - Scuola di ItalianoVia Santi Giacomo e Filippo, 19/10 - Genoa (GE) - Contact
The oldest established Italian language school in Genoa. Italian language at any level, study holidays and long term programs. Certifications courses, cultural programs and leuisure programs. Selected accommodation available for our students.
RomanicaVia Castel Maraldo, 45 - Modena (MO) - Contact
In Modena, Pavarotti’s and Ferrari’s hometown, situated in a wonderful building rich in frescoes, there’s Romanica, an italian language school for foreigners, a welcoming, professional and unique place - ONLINE
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci - FirenzeVia Bufalini, 3 - Florence (FI) - Contact
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci in Florence: founded in 1977, we have years of experience and specialise in teaching Italian in Italy and ONLINE.

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci - Roma
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Scuola Mondo Italia and HomestayVia Dalmazio Birago, 9E - Lecce (LE)
TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875