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Legal notes

Corporate indications
The web portal www.myitalianlanguageschools.com (hereinafter also ‘website’ o ‘platform’) is owned by Rocco Rossitto, Via Solferino 63, 95124 Catania, VAT No. 04669890875, registration in the Catania Register of Business, EAI No. 367007, certified e-mail address info@pec.roccorossitto.it (hereinafter also indicated as ‘Company’ or ‘Supplier’).

Contact the Company for any clarification or complaint, sending an e-mail to: info@myitalianlanguageschools.com.

Terms and conditions of use
Use of the website www.myitalianlanguageschools.com indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions. As a result, the user is required to read them. The conditions may be amended at any time and the amendments shall take effect from the date of their publication on the site.

  1. Services
    - Any user may access the website and surf in it, looking at the contents.
    - The website allows the user to look for the schools s/he is interested in among those on the platform and contact them, asking for specific information.
    - The website allows the schools to register on the platform through a special procedure described when making the application for the reserved services.
  2. User obligations
    - The user must use the site respecting these terms and conditions scrupulously.
    - It is the user’s responsibility to read these terms and conditions and check any amendments made to them.
    - Internet access, necessary for use of the site, and the relative costs and charges, including that of connection, are the user’s responsibility who is required to obtain all necessary hardware or software support independently.
    - The user must not use the site and the relative services for illegal purposes, those contrary to these terms and conditions or in such a way that its operation could be damaged, making it unfit for use, causing overloading, and the deterioration of and/or interference with its use by other users.
    - The user may access the site and surf in through its pages, using the services made available to all users.
    - If the user joins the special services for schools by registering in the special area of the specific portal, the credentials to use at login shall be sent to them by email. The user is required to change the password at the first access and keep their credentials safe to prevent third parties from gaining access to the restricted area. The system allows the password to be recovered and/or changed at any time.
    - The registered user can decide to cancel their account from the restricted area at any time.
    - If the user uses the forms in the site, they are required to provide true, correct and updated data that can be checked. The data shall be processed by the Company respecting the Privacy regulations, for the purposes and in the ways described in the information prepared for individual services, published on the site so that they are easily accessible to users.
    - Any behaviour which may lead to even an attempt at unauthorised access to the site and the special services is prohibited.
  3. Intellectual and industrial property
    - The site and its contents are the property of Rocco Rossitto, those entitled, assignors and/or third parties where indicated, and are protected by the current legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights.
    - Unless stated otherwise, all the materials available on the site (such as, by way of example, photographs, text, logos, brands and other distinctive signs, etc.) can only be used for information and/or personal purposes; different uses must be specifically authorised by the Supplier in advance or, if different from him/her, the holder of the rights exercisable over them for any reason; any commercial use or distribution is specifically prohibited.
    - The constituent elements of the website are protected by commercial agreements and their use complies with the law, with special reference to the regulation of industrial and intellectual property and competitors and cannot be copied or imitated. It is also forbidden to make any change to the contents of the site.
    - Reproduction of the graphics and structure of the website is prohibited. No logo, graphic element, sound or image on the site may be copied or reproduced without the specific authorisation of the Company.
    - The user has no rights over the software relating to the site, including the updates, and the relative source codes.
    - Users may use links to the home page and pages in the site without the Supplier’s specific authorisation as long as the user’s site where the connection is created is not offensive or pornographic, i.e. is not related to the sexuality or commoditisation of sex, incitement to racial hate, discrimination of any kind, reference to totalitarian ideologies, the perpetration of any kind of offence and any other activity contrary to Italian law.
    - All rights not specifically granted are reserved.
  4. Responsibility
    - The user uses the site ‘as is’, i.e. as offered and as available at the time of connection and viewing the contents.
    - The user is the only person responsible for the operation and maintenance of the instrumentation necessary to access internet and the adoption of all the measures necessary to ensure their security on-line.
    - The Supplier is not responsible to either the user or persons directly or indirectly connected to the user for damage, claims or losses arising from disservices or suspension of the site which depend on the user, third parties or caused by force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.
    - The Supplier is not responsible for any breach by users, the rights of others and damage, including indirect, consequential to it or for other damage of any type, including that arising from the loss of the right to use, loss of information or earnings or arising from breach of contract, negligence or other harmful action arising from or in any way connected to the use or information available on the site.
    - The Supplier’s responsibility for omissions or errors that may be in the material and information transiting the site is also excluded.
    - Nevertheless, the user accepts that, when advised of the commission of an offence, the Supplier may, at their own discretion, remove material published in breach of the rights of third parties.
    - The user uses the site and services permitted relieving the Supplier substantially and procedurally in relation to any party for legal/civil or administrative disputes, costs, expenses and damage of any kind caused by the use of or impossibility of using the site.
    - The existence of a link to another of the Supplier’s sites from a third-party website or from the Supplier’s site to a third-party site does not mean the approval or acceptance of responsibility on the contents or utilisation of sites connected in this way.
    - Except for the contractual and individual definitions in relation to the obligations specifically assumed, the Supplier reserves the right to be able to close the site and/or make any changes and/or supplements to its contents that may be considered opportune without notice and with no requirement to indemnify at his/her exclusive discretion at any time.
  5. Privacy
    - All the user’s personal data is processed by the Supplier respecting current privacy legislation. Please see the Privacy Policy, information on cookies and the information relating to specific services requiring the collection of personal data published in the relevant sections of the site for all the necessary information.
  6. Applicable law and jurisdiction
    - These terms and conditions have been prepared under and are regulated by Italian law.
    - Disputes between the Supplier and users connected to use of the site are reserved for Italian jurisdiction and are the exclusive regional jurisdiction of the Court of Catania, without prejudice to that of the consumer in the case applicable by law.
  7. Amendments and final clauses
    - The Company reserves the right to make changes to the website and these terms and conditions at any time. The user should always refer to the text of the terms and conditions published on the at the time of consultation as the current version.
    - If one of the clauses should be declared null or ineffective by the relevant authority, the conditions shall continue to be fully effective for the part not nullified by the said clause, unless it was an essential and decisive reason for the conclusion of the relations.
    - These terms and conditions are drafted in Italian.
    - The circumstance that one of the parties does not assert the rights attributed to them by one or more clauses of these terms and conditions cannot be understood as waiver of those rights not shall it prevent subsequent demands for the respect of any and all contractual clauses.

Last updated: 6 October 2018

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TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875