Escuelas de idioma, cultura y cocina italiana en Italia. Cursos de italiano. Aprende italiano en Italia, ¿en donde màs?

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Info - Sitio Web - Video - Galería de fotosVia Roma, 42 - 58015 Orbetello (GR) - Teléfono +39 0564 850007 - Fax +39 0564 850721

valid until 31.12.2024

Register until 31.12.2024 for the package "20 hour online course" (15% discount)
and get a 25% discount for your next Standard Group Course at Orbetello, valid until 31.12.2025



from 30/09/2024 to 31/03/2025

Usually in Orbetello the weather is also fine during winter. Why not take a language courses in low season, learning Italian and enjoying the wonderful landscape at a really special price?

Winter Integral Course = Italian course + activities + accommodation.

Offer valid from 30 September 2024 until 31 March 2025.

- Language lessons (20hrs/wk – 9.00-13.00)
- Cultural activities every afternoons – sports, art and archaeology, Italian history or cinema, cooking lesson and wine taste, pottery and painting workshop, guided visits at the museums, archaeological sites or monuments and medieval towns;
- One afternoon at the Springs water of Saturnia;
- 1 all day excursion per week;
- Plus accomodation in Italian families or in private apartments in Orbetello.

30.9.2024 - 14.10.2024 - 28.10.2024 - 11.11.2024 - 25.11.2024 – 02.12.2024 – 16.12.2024 – 30.12.2024 – 13.01.2025 – 27.01.2025 – 10.02.2025 – 24.02.2025 – 10.03.2025 – 24.03.2025

PRICES 2024:
20 hours/week group course + accommodation + afternoon activities included
1 week: 550,00 Euro
2 weeks: 1.070,00 Euro
3 weeks: 1.600 Euro
4 weeks 2.150 Euro

PRICES 2025:
20 hours/week group course + accommodation + afternoon activities included
1 week: 580,00 Euro
2 weeks: 1.100,00 Euro
3 weeks: 1.650 Euro
4 weeks 2.200 Euro



rom 01/06/2024 to 30/09/2024

Take a language holiday by the sea with a 10% reduction on your Italian course!

Enrol in a "Standard Intensive Group" course for at least 2 weeks (or more) and get a 10% discount on the course price. We are waiting for you!

Valid from 1.6. to 30.9.2024 for university and high school students

Morning: 4 hrs language lessons from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with a brief pause of 20 minutes.
2 cultural extracurricular activities per week
1 full day excursion on the islands during week-end of the first week
1 half day excursion in the second week



from 16/12/2024 to 13/01/2025

Italian Christmas Course in Sardinia and/or Tuscany

Italian course + activity program + accommodation + breakfast

From Monday to Friday: 3 hours language course which can take place inside the classroom as well as outside.

From Monday to Saturday the following activities are offered alternately:
Visits to mediaeval towns with their Nativities, followed by dinner in local restaurants.
Course in Tuscany: Visits to museums and historical towns like Capalbio, Pitigliano, Massa Marittima, Siena, Grosseto.
Course in Sardinia: Visits to museums and historical towns like Posada, Castelsardo, Alghero, Tempio Pausania, Cagliari, Oristano, San Pietro di Sorres.
Walking, bicycle tours, horse riding or other sport activities in protected natural areas in Tuscany and/or Sardinia.
Tasting of wines and typical dishes and visits to organic farms with the possibility of preparing typical dishes.
Concerts and traditional Christmas choirs as well as other cultural activities in a Christmas context and participation in cultural and social events.
Course in Tuscany: Visits to museums and archaeological sites of the Etruscan and Roman age.
Course in Sardinia: Visits to Phoenician cities of Tarros, Nora and Bithia along the Sardinian coast
Course in Sardinia: Visits to mysterious megalithic monuments (Dolmen and Tombs of the Giants)
Course in Sardinia: Visits to cities of Nuraghi like Barumini, Tiscali, Tharros and Santa Cristina
Full day excursions to natural reserves and marine parks on Saturday.

The package includes, in addition to the morning lessons and cultural activities every afternoon, also the following types of accommodation:
single/double room in B&B
single/double room with breakfast in family
single/double room in apartments with bathroom and kitchen shared with other students

9.12.2024, 16.12.2024, 23.12.2024, 30.12.2024, 6.1.2025, 13.1.2025 -

Students can choose to attens the course in Orbetello (Tuscany), Oristano (Sardinia) or in both cities.

1 week Italian course, cultural program and single room + breakfast:
€ 535,00 only Tuscany
€ 1.180,00 Tuscany and Sardinia
€ 640,00 only Sardinia

1 week Italian course, cultural program and double room + breakfast:
€ 480,00 only Tuscany
€ 1.075,00 Tuscany and Sardinia
€ 580,00 only Sardinia

2 week Italian course, cultural program and single room + breakfast:
€ 980,00 only Tuscany
€ 2.150 Tuscany and Sardinia
€ 1.100,00 only Sardinia

2 week Italian course, cultural program and double room + breakfast:
€ 890,00 only Tuscany
€ 1.950,00 Tuscany and Sardinia
€ 990,00 only Sardinia

3 week Italian course, cultural program and single room + breakfast:
€ 1.700,00 only Tuscany
€ 3.350,00 Tuscany and Sardinia
€ 1.850,00 only Sardinia

3 week Italian course, cultural program and double room + breakfast:
€ 1.500,00 only Tuscany
€ 3.100,00 Tuscany and Sardinia
€ 1.600,00 only Sardinia

Prices include: Tuition and accommocation (single or double room + breakfast in family or single room with cooking facilities in student apartments or Agriturismo), learning material, VAT, certificates, guide service, assistance in finding accommodation, accompaniment to visits in private cars.

Prices do not include: Meals and tickets to museums, archeaological sites, cultural events and concerts, tickets for transfer by ship, boat and other public transport, but generally the school accompanies the students by private cars.

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N.B. Los datos serán tratados según la Política de Privacidad y enviado a la escuela que se pondrá en contacto contigo.

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TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875