Escuelas de idioma, cultura y cocina italiana en Italia. Cursos de italiano. Aprende italiano en Italia, ¿en donde màs?

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Accademia Italiana

Accademia Italiana

Info - Sitio Web - Video - Galería de fotosCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 27 - 63100 Ascoli-Piceno (AP) - Teléfono +39 0736 257735

From 13/05/2024 to 17/05/2024
Course of Italian Language and Culture level A2

Course of Italian Language and Culture for groups of 3-6 students. The course is aimed at people who are already able to understand common phrases and expressions, describe in simple terms aspects of their life, the surroundings, and express immediate needs, communicate in routine activities that require a simple exchange of information on topics such as family, work, study and hobbies. We offer a free tour of Ascoli Piceno and several interesting activities in the afternoon. Upon request, we can arrange Italian traditional cuisine lessons, watercolor painting lessons and Italian literature classes

Cost: 110 €

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Scuola Mondo Italia and HomestayVia Dalmazio Birago, 9E - Lecce (LE)
TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875