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ABC School Sestri Levante

ABC School Sestri Levante

Website - Photo gallery - BrochureVia Portobello, 12 - 16039 Sestri Levante (GE) - Phone +39 347 7835483 - Fax +39 055 0675590

1 lesson: 45 minutes
Maximum students per class: 8
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line and/or first day
Registration fee: 70 €
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: No
Bird's eye view of the Bay

What we offer
A wide range of opportunity to learn or improve the Italian language. All courses (except the "Individual", "Duetto" and "Trietto" and the courses "Italian, no problem" and "Parlo italiano" courses) are made up of a maximum 6 students per class for better quality learning. Special programs will satisfy your needs and your study tour will be a wonderful experience.

Why study Italian with us
- EXPERIENCE: The ABC School has its main office in Florence since 1982.
- SMALL CLASS SIZE: with a maximum of 6 students per class (average 4/5 students per class)
- QUALIFIED TEACHERS, professional, friendly and passionate
- STUDENT CARE: a warm and welcoming staff is at your disposal
- WIDE RANGE OF COURSES: Italian language, cultural and professional courses... customized to meet your needs
- AFTER LESSONS ACTIVITIES: enriching activities conducted by our teachers
- FAMILIAR and friendly atmosphere
- SELECTED ACCOMMODATION: walking distance from the school, max 25/30 minutes

Our courses
- Standard group course (20 group lessons a week)
- Standard group course Plus 5 (20 group lessons + 5 one-to-one lessons a week)
- Standard group lessons Plus 10 (20 group lessons + 10 one-to-one lessons a week)
- Standard group course Plus 5 exam preparation (20 group lessons + 5 one-to-one lessons a week focused on preparation for exams CILS, CELI or AIL)
- Standard group lessons Plus 10 exam preparation (20 group lessons + 10 one-to-one lessons a week focused on preparation for exams CILS, CELI or AIL)
- Standard group lessons Plus lunch (20 groups lessons plus 3 one-to-one lessons in trattoria with the teacher)
- On line lessons
- Individual lessons (one-to-one)
- Duetto lessons (two-to-one)
- Trietto lessons (three-to-one)
- 50+ program (20 group lessons a week plus cultural activities for senior students)
- Standard Group Course Plus Sapori Italiani (20 group lessons a week + cooking classes, wine tasting...)
- “Parlo italiano” course (10 individual or small group lessons, basic Italian)
- “Italiano no problem” (10 one-to-one lessons focused on practical situations + lunch in trattoria with the teacher)
- Courses for families with children.

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Scuola Mondo Italia and HomestayVia Dalmazio Birago, 9E - Lecce (LE)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875