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WebsiteVia Nazionale, 51 - 90017 Santa Flavia (PA) - Phone +39 333 8534271

1 lesson: 45 minutes
Maximum students per class: 4
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line and/or first day
Registration fee: 45 €
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

Halisaclub is based in Palermo, the capital of Sicily, where Arab, Norman, Baroque and Art Nouveau styles mixed with magnificent landscapes, handicraft, folklore and the wonderful aromas of Sicilian cuisine; a cultural and artistic heritage unique in the world, blue skies and azure seas in all seasons.

We organise courses both in the city centre of Palermo and in rural villages on the coast. Halisaclub is a “school without walls”: our classes take place outside the traditional classroom, in terraces by the sea or at the teachers’ homes. The friendly and relaxed atmosphere makes the learning process easier. The lessons can also take place in the accommodations operating within our Association.

The merit of our teaching process is guaranteed by:

  • The certification of the teachers (native speakers, degrees in foreign languages, experience in teaching the Italian language and specific masters at Universities or specialized Institutes of languages)
  • Teaching based on the needs of the students
  • The application of the latest methodologies according to the standards of the “Common European Framework of Reference”
  • A minimal number of students per class: a maximum of just four.

The school operates all year round. Courses start every Monday; contact us for different starting dates.
With Halisaclub you can create your study-holiday to meet your specific needs choosing the type and duration of your course, along with accommodation, excursions, etc.


  • Courses of Italian Language: standard, intensive, one-to-one, conversation, preparation for CILS, CELI...
  • Cultural Courses
    • Courses of Sicilian art, history and folk traditions which follow a teaching path which alternates theoretical classes and guided excursions
    • Italian Literature courses including courses on the most famous Sicilian authors:, we will read together some of the most beautiful pages of Italian literature
    • “Italian language in Opera” course, a different way to study Italian through the well known Italian Operas, guided by a musicologist
    • Courses of Sicilian cuisine: you will discover the smells and tastes of Sicilian cuisine preparing (and consuming) our traditional recipes together
  • Study-Stays for Business Companies: prestigious stays dedicated to managers and businessmen with the full assistance of Halisaclub staff. These stays are tailored to the wishes of participants
  • Getting to know Sicily: seminars to deepen unusual and particular aspects of our history, art and folk traditions (The Arab world in Sicily, Religion and enchantments, the Sicilian dialect, Sicilian wine history, the history of the Mafia, Montalbano’s Sicily)
  • Back to your Origins: a project dedicated to Sicilian people living abroad who wish to meet their family in Sicily. Halisaclub will contact your Sicilian family, provide an interpretation service and continuous assistance during your visit

Halisaclub offers a free booking service for accommodation. We will help you to choose the right solution for your needs: apartments, hotels and Bed & Breakfast downtown in Palermo or by the sea.

With our guided excursions you will visit some of the most interesting places of our island. You can also practice a wide variety of sports in centres that have an agreement with Halisaclub (tennis, boat trips, diving, windsurfing, water-skiing, sailing...) or participate in cultural activities such as cinema, theatre, exibitions, concerts, special events.

It is possible to book a transfer to or from the airport or to rent a car or motorbike.

Plan your ideal study-holiday with us!
Contact us and we will ensure your stay in Sicily is an unforgettable experience!

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Giga - IH - INTERNATIONAL HOUSE CATANIAViale Mario Rapisardi, 23 - Catania (CT)
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Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875