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Federico II - Centro Lingua Italiana

Federico II - Centro Lingua Italiana

WebsiteVia Piave, 4 - 95124 Catania (CT) - Phone +39 3511709478

1 lesson: 60 minutes
Maximum students per class: 8
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line and/or first day
Registration fee: 80 €
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

Centro Studi Lingua Italiana Federico II, situated in Catania (Sicily) has been operated in the Italian Language teaching since 2008 and during these years has welcomed thousands of students from all over the world who want to find out more about the Italian culture and speak the Italian language and at the same time curious about the baroque art of this marvellous city. The school is one of the first centeres specialized in teaching the Italian language in Sicily.

Immersed in the historic center in Via Crociferi, one of the most fascinating and richest in history street which is also inserted on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the school is open all year round and offers Italian language courses according to the standards of the CEFR.

The school's teaching method is based on the communicative approach and the cultural comparison supported by professional and qualified teachers in teaching of the Italian language as a second language

The teaching material used is authentic (newspapers, songs, recipes, etc.), updated and adapted to the interests of the students in order to guarantee complete immersion in the Italian language and culture.

The lessons are organized by levels (A1-A2), (-B1-B2), (C1-C2) and students are placed in the classroom according to their entrance test's results.

Classes are made up of small groups and never exceed a number of 8 per class, this allows students to follow the lesson more carefully.

The school offers daily refreshments based on typical Sicilian products on the terrace from which you can enjoy a spectacular view of the Baroque.

The school is an authorized center for the CILS exam (Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language) and every six months offers a preparation course.

School also offers courses dedicated to Erasmus students and Skype Lessons.

Thanks to collaboration with tour guides, the we organizes tours and educational and cultural activities in the afternoons

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